// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity 0.8.4;
* @title ContractKeys
* @author NFTfi
* @dev Common library for contract keys
library ContractKeys {
bytes32 public constant PERMITTED_ERC20S = bytes32("PERMITTED_ERC20S");
bytes32 public constant PERMITTED_NFTS = bytes32("PERMITTED_NFTS");
bytes32 public constant PERMITTED_PARTNERS = bytes32("PERMITTED_PARTNERS");
bytes32 public constant NFT_TYPE_REGISTRY = bytes32("NFT_TYPE_REGISTRY");
bytes32 public constant LOAN_REGISTRY = bytes32("LOAN_REGISTRY");
bytes32 public constant PERMITTED_SNFT_RECEIVER = bytes32("PERMITTED_SNFT_RECEIVER");
bytes32 public constant PERMITTED_BUNDLE_ERC20S = bytes32("PERMITTED_BUNDLE_ERC20S");
bytes32 public constant PERMITTED_AIRDROPS = bytes32("PERMITTED_AIRDROPS");
bytes32 public constant AIRDROP_RECEIVER = bytes32("AIRDROP_RECEIVER");
bytes32 public constant AIRDROP_FACTORY = bytes32("AIRDROP_FACTORY");
bytes32 public constant AIRDROP_FLASH_LOAN = bytes32("AIRDROP_FLASH_LOAN");
bytes32 public constant NFTFI_BUNDLER = bytes32("NFTFI_BUNDLER");
string public constant AIRDROP_WRAPPER_STRING = "AirdropWrapper";
* @notice Returns the bytes32 representation of a string
* @param _key the string key
* @return id bytes32 representation
function getIdFromStringKey(string memory _key) external pure returns (bytes32 id) {
require(bytes(_key).length <= 32, "invalid key");
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
id := mload(add(_key, 32))